Obama supporter at town-hall meeting caught in lie

Does it surprise anyone that Obama supporters take after their glorious leader?

If it were not for persistent skeptics in the blogosphere, in this case LA area blogger Patterico, we would not know that at U.S. Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee's recent town hall meeting, an astro-turf planted supporter had no problem misrepresenting herself as a doctor.

I'm working on a new bumper-sticker - hope to have it on the www.bluegreencosmos.com site by the end of the weekend. It will read: "Obama's Lies - America's Demise"

Here's the details on the lying sack-of-supporter. Thanks, Patterico!



Hillary-ous! Methinks she doth protest too much!

Just the latest example of how the UhBama kids are in waaay over their heads. Hillary is incapable of thinking fast on her feet. It is obvious that she is still miffed at having to operate in the Shadow Of Bill, still pissed at all the years she had to be subservient to him, eat the excrement sandwiches, and put up with his dalliances.

A true master politician always remembers to never let the peasants see the Queen get angry. One of the 48 Laws of Power is "Act like a King to be treated as one".

Of course, if Hillary were not dumber than a box of rocks, she would have realized that things get lost in translation, that no one cares any longer about what the former President Clinton thinks - except maybe Millhouse, seeing as he sent Bill to spring the reporterettes from the NorKors. Even if the question was not mistranslated, the best way to handle it would have been to laugh it off, perhaps remark that she would ask Bill the next time she saw him, and then proceed to offer the official US position on the very real and serious issue of the Chinese snapping up mineral rights faster than you can say "21st century colonialism is alive and well."

This video is worth 10,000 words. The body language, the facial expressions, the eyes - man, I now have more respect for Bill - imagine having to endure that for all these years! How can he go to sleep at night without wondering if Hillary will do the Lorena Bobbit thing in the middle of the night? Better sleep in the doghouse, Bill - its safer!



America's Affordable Death Care Choices Act of 2009 - so much to hate, so little time! (click this title to read the bill)

Every time I review it (yes, Uhbama - unlike you, I've actually read it) barely suppressing the urge to vomit, I find more to hate. Here's a few turds for today:

Page 58-59 - "they" will be able to determine, in "real time", when you need "health service", how much it will cost, and get the money from your bank account via electronic funds transfer.

Page 124 - the Secretary of Health and Human Services will possess unlimited power to set health insurance rates. The Secretary will not be subject to any kind of administrative or judicial review - in other words, will have absolute power to set rates.


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