Obamaween 2009 - BOOOO!

I heard a great idea on the radio while at lunch. AFAIK, Michelle Malkin first popularized it: http://michellemalkin.com/2008/10/31/happy-obamaween/

So, here's what I'm doing this Halloween. I'll need this equipment and materials:
* Several large poster boards for the sign
* a black light for ironic creepiness
* A sturdy plywood box, about 2'x2'x2' , with a 2"x6" slot in the top
* A strong chain and padlock
* A wireless webcam, or other means of capturing video
* Some choice pictures of Obama's face

The sign, with 6" tall lettering, will go on the wall outside my front door. It will read:


The camera is both to capture the reactions of the little taxpayers and to bust Democrat-sympathizing vandals. The box will be adorned on all sides with the Obama mug-shots; the one on the top will have his mouth open, cut-out so that the candy goes in the open mouth.


Obama insanity reaches a fever-pitch

I've not updated my blog for many, many days. Why? I've been overwhelmed. Every day, there are three or four new horrible revelations of tyranny from the Barak Insane Obama government, or scandal in the liberal Democrat cesspool. Today's post is just a sample of the avalanche of feces raining down on us.

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Ted Kennedy screwed over 1000 women (the majority while married) and payed out over $10 million in hush-money? Do the research, it appears that the National Enquirer got it right. I've spent the last few days reading about Teddy's life, and the "1000 banged" assertion is entirely consistent with his other well-documented sexual behavior.

This short article summarizing Ted Kennedy's life from the UK's Daily Mail was interesting, and made me a bit sad. He, as did his brothers, had it all: wealth, girl-swooning good-looks, access to the best schools on the planet and more. Yet, he squandered his precious gift of life. I'm reminded of Ayn Rand's maxim that (paraphrasing) "Anyone who would not have earned a fortune on their own will be destroyed by inheriting wealth."

Anita Dunn, White House Communications Director aka "czar" lionizes Mao? Do the research, listen to the full audio, and it appears that she really is an admirer of Mao or, at the very least, too stupid to have prefaced her remarks with something like "We all know that Mao was a tyrannical, murderous despot who was directly responsible for a Chinese Holocaust that made Hitler look like a piker, but we can learn something about overcoming impossible odds by studying his tactics." Instead, she touts him as one of the two "political philosophers" she admires most! Here's relevant portions of the speech:
" .... the third lesson and tip actually comes from two of my favorite political philosophers - Mao Tse Tung and Mother Teresa, not often coupled with each other but the two people that I turn to most to basically deliver a simple point, which is you're going to make choices.

.... In 1947, when Mao Tse Tung was being challenged within his own party on his plan to basically take China over, Chiang Kai-Shek and the nationalist Chinese held the cities, they had the army. They had the air force. They had everything on their side, and people said how can you win? How can you do this? How can you do this? Against all the odds against you, and Mao Tse Tung said, you know, you fight your war, and I'll fight mine, and think about that for a second."

Here's a link to the video, decide for yourself:

Kevin Jennings, White House "Safe Schools Czar", is revealed to be a NAMBLA supporter? Not surprising, given that in his book Always My Child, Jennings calls for a “diversity policy that mandates including LGBT [lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender] themes in the curriculum.”

Obama is prepared to sign "health-care reform" bill that sticks a huge tax increase to people making less than the touted $250K/year? Why is this a surprise, given that it is obvious to anyone with a brain bigger than a swine-flu virus that he is a lying sack of shit?

How about this section in the > 1500 page Finance Committee version of the Bill, from page 1190:
"(c) TREATMENT AS TAX.—For purposes of subtitle
F, the fees imposed by this subchapter shall be treated
as if they were taxes. "

That wording is there to get around the 5th Amendment. The bill is riddled with similar crap. I'll post it soon for you to read for yourself. But, it is going to pass, and Barak Insane Obama will sign it. The legions of looters will hail it as wonderful.

It's time to shrug. Sure, your income will plummet. But you will have the satisfaction of no longer being the "guiltiest man in the room", to quote Francisco D'Anconio - to no longer be the man who is enabling the looters, the man who, as atonement for the "sin" of productive hard work, is expected to offer himself to immolation.

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