Dead Kennedy - Good Riddance!
I'm not constrained by political correctness, so I'll say what a lot of people are thinking: "We are glad Ted is Finally Dead!"
The damage he did to the USA in his long, horrific carreer in probably incalcuable. Not to mention the pain and suffering that resulted from his cowardly, drunken abandonment of Mary Jo Kopechne to die in the swirling, dark waters off the Chappaquiddick bridge on July 18, 1969.
Even in death he will continue to wreak havoc on America. His sycophantic followers will probably name the soon-to-be-enacted "health reform" legislation after him. I'm hearing rumors it will be called the "Ted Kennedy Memorial Health Care Act of 2009", and his fetid memory will serve as a rallying cry for The Clueless.
I've got a better name for the bill:
"The Dead Kennedy Memorial Death Care Act of 2009".
Bye, Ted. Don't let the coffin lid hit you on your ass on your way to Hades.
Ted Kennedy was a consistent voice in vociferous opposition to any facet of individual liberty. A parasite's Voice, powered by an unearned and undeserved fortune that fostered an idle, irresponsible life of elitist, drugged luxury.
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