Governmental meddling results in vaccine shortage

When government intrudes, things get worse

In Texas and in many states, you will see stories such as the following. There would be no shortage if the idiots in government, with hand-wringing concern for the poor and the children, had not tried to dictate prices for vaccines. Drug makers, seeing profit opportunities evaporate, shut down production lines. This leaves on a few companies making key drugs, thus the shortage.

The world of Atlas Shrugged is happening NOW. Get used to it. It is too late to fix things, we are heading down in a tight spiral. After the crash, perhaps a thousand years from now civilization will rise from the flaming wreckage.
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An emergency rule initiated by the Texas Department of State Health Services extends until Oct. 1 the time parents have to get their children in compliance with some of the vaccination requirements for school attendance.

The extension applies only to three vaccines: Meningococcal, tetanus/diphtheria/acellular pertussis (Tdap) and varicella. Shortages of these vaccines have been reported around the state.

DSHS officials said available supply of these three vaccines in some local clinics and medical offices has been exhausted due to an increased demand.

Revised vaccination requirements announced last spring for the 2009-2010 school year added doses of the three vaccines at certain grade levels.

Without the extension, full immunizations would have been required beginning the first day of school.

The emergency rule was signed by Texas Health and Human Services Executive Commissioner Albert Hawkins and was submitted to the Texas Register this morning and is effective immediately.

Pertussis is another name for whooping cough. Varicella refers to chicken pox.


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