Health Rationing "Public Option" is oxymoronic

I laugh a bitter laugh of despair every time I hear a liberal drone whine: "No one will force you to take the public option, if you are happy with your insurance just keep it".

If they had read the horrible proposed Death Care act, they would realize that the government will force you to carry insurance. There is no "option". If you are not insured - and don't have the type of insurance they deem acceptable (most current plans will not qualify), they will levy a tax (e.g. a fine) of 2.5% of your income and FORCE you to pick one of the governments public "Qualified Health Benefit Plans". Even if you manage to retain your current private plan with your employer, if the Death Czar deems it too luxurious, it will be taxed as imputed income. And of course, any one paying income tax will have a portion of that tax given to "poor people" who "can't afford insurance". THIS IS NOT AN "OPTIONAL" SYSTEM.

The drones will offer this talking-point: "If you don't have insurance and you get sick, then the rest of us pay for your care". Well, THAT IS THE PROBLEM. Quit giving uninsured people "free" care!! If they are not at a charity hospital, don't have insurance, and don't have cash or a credit card, then LET THEM DIE. This would apply to me too!

"There Aint No Such Thing As A Free Lunch". Or free health care.


BlueGreenCosmos August 7, 2009 at 10:18 PM  

Oh, by the way - "Health Care" is not, and can never be a "right". In general, anything that someone else has to buy or provide for you can never be a "right".

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