Private Jets Are Evil!
Apparently it is evil for CEOs of pre-Nazionalized companies to fly around in private jets, but not for politicians or pro-Uhbama Hollywood types. Earlier this year, the chiken-shits in Congress had no problem berating auto and oil-industry CEOs who dared to use that horrible, polluting, elitist mode of transportation.
Now, Congress has just approved the purchase of over 200 million dollars worth of aircraft, including three 60+ million-dollar GulfStream 550's. The original request was for more, but the outcry from The Angry Mob caused them to cut back. I guess they fear rubbing shoulders with the Angry Mob if they were to fly in lowly business-class. Read more here.
I'm kind of sad for Gulfstream. Bolstering our aircraft industry would be a far better use of Porkulus/Spendulus funds than 95% of those earmarks. Private jet manufacturers are already reeling from Congressional demagoguery that was part of the fallout of the Nazionalization of 2/3 of the US auto industry.
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