"Obama U Akbar!"

As a Libertarian who has never voted for a Republican or a Democrat, listening to most talk shows is a frustrating experience. Nevertheless I try to listen to a wide variety, ranging from Glen Beck to Alan Colmes - even PBS. Most tend to turn my stomach. Like an old analog clock that is right twice a day by chance, Rush gave me an idea last week. He correctly pointed out that voting to support Barak Insane Obama's DeathCare initiative was political suicide, and that Senators who vote to allow the debate to commence are, in essence, political suicide bombers.

A light bulb lit up over my head, and unbidden I burst out: "Obama u Akbar!" (Obama is great!). I then tweeted, and also sent to several Senators who were reportedly on the fence, the following:

"Obama U Akbar!" (shouted the Senatorial terrorist just before voting for ObamaCare, destroying America and committing political suicide)

I also realized it would make a great bumper-sticker, one that would be sure to piss-off a large fraction of the populace. Here it is for your downloading pleasure:

To see who had thought of this before me, I googled "obama u akbar", and to my satisfaction, found only 9 hits.


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