State of Disunion

On Wednesday evenings I enjoy walking-about my daughter's piano teacher's neighborhood during her lessons, of late listening to Atlas Shrugged on my new Sansa Clip+. After the lesson, we drove off, and as is our habit tuned the radio to the station of one of our favorite shows, "The Maniac", as we like to style him - Michael Savage is sometimes wrong but his stream-of-consciousness harangues are always entertaining. The only other show on the air this time of night is Alan Colmes. I used to enjoy him more when Bush was president, but now that Barak Insane Uh-bama is in power, Alan is more and more just an insufferable butt-boy for the Dems. About the only time I can stand him anymore is when he has a theist-tweaking guest on his show such as Sam Harris or Richard Dawkins.

But tonight, to our horror, the big-eared Irish-American traitor was squatting on all the stations, barking nonsense to his legions of Kool-Aid-drinkers. Panicking, I stabbed button after button on the radio, but there was no escape! My daughter exclaimed "I know one that won't have him on!" and punched up an FM rock station on the far right of the dial. To our relief, the pulsating grind of Megadeth's Symphony of Destruction blared from the speakers, and we grinned and mimed air-guitar as we sang along, our metal-heads bobbing with contentment.

As we sang and listened, we simultaneously realized that the lyrics were eerily, poignantly appropriate for an address to a nation stupid enough to elect him Dork-In-Chief:

You take a mortal man,
And put him in main control
Watch him become a god,
Watch peoples heads a'roll

Just like the Pied Piper
Led rats through the streets
We dance like marionettes,
Swaying to the Symphony...
Of Destruction


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