"Obama U Akbar!"

As a Libertarian who has never voted for a Republican or a Democrat, listening to most talk shows is a frustrating experience. Nevertheless I try to listen to a wide variety, ranging from Glen Beck to Alan Colmes - even PBS. Most tend to turn my stomach. Like an old analog clock that is right twice a day by chance, Rush gave me an idea last week. He correctly pointed out that voting to support Barak Insane Obama's DeathCare initiative was political suicide, and that Senators who vote to allow the debate to commence are, in essence, political suicide bombers.

A light bulb lit up over my head, and unbidden I burst out: "Obama u Akbar!" (Obama is great!). I then tweeted, and also sent to several Senators who were reportedly on the fence, the following:

"Obama U Akbar!" (shouted the Senatorial terrorist just before voting for ObamaCare, destroying America and committing political suicide)

I also realized it would make a great bumper-sticker, one that would be sure to piss-off a large fraction of the populace. Here it is for your downloading pleasure:

To see who had thought of this before me, I googled "obama u akbar", and to my satisfaction, found only 9 hits.



Mark Levin reads Ayn Rand quotes on Friday show

Mark Levin, who I regard as the best of the Clear Channel syndicated Republican talk show hosts, quoted heavily from Rand in his show on Friday, 10/23/2009. Levin, unlike all the other Clear Channel jocks, does not charge for audio from his show. Here is the link - please have a listen - the Rand part starts within 30 seconds: Mark Levin quotes Rand 10/23/2009


He used the quotes from this blog, and read each one in it's entirety - about 5 minutes worth of air-time:

“Socialism is the doctrine that man has no right to exist for his own sake, that his life and his work do not belong to him, but belong to society, that the only justification of his existence is his service to society, and that society may dispose of him in any way it pleases for the sake of whatever it deems to be its own tribal, collective good.”
- From The New Intellectual

“The essential characteristic of socialism is the denial of individual property rights; under socialism, the right to property (which is the right of use and disposal) is vested in ’society as a whole,’ i.e., in the collective, with production and distribution controlled by the state, i.e., by the government. Socialism may be established by force, as in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics – or by vote, as in Nazi (National Socialist) Germany. The degree of socialization may be total, as in Russia – or partial, as in England. Theoretically, the differences are superficial; practically, they are only a matter of time. The basic principle, in all cases, is the same.”
- From “The Monument Builders“

“There is no difference between the principles, policies and practical results of socialism – and those of any historical or prehistorical tyranny. Socialism is merely democratic absolute monarchy – that is, a system of absolutism without a fixed head, open to seizure of power by all comers, by any ruthless climber, opportunist, adventurer, demagogue or thug. When you consider socialism, do not fool yourself about its nature. Remember that there is no such dichotomy as ‘human rights’ versus ‘property rights.’ No human rights can exist without property rights. Since material goods are produced by the mind and effort of individual men, and are needed to sustain their lives, if the producer does not own the result of his effort, he does not own his life. To deny property rights means to turn men into property owned by the state. Whoever claims the ‘right’ to ‘redistribute’ the wealth produced by others is claiming the ‘right’ to treat human beings as chattel.”
- From “The Monument Builders“

I don't have "The Monument Builders", but will order it ASAP.

Although Levin is not an Atheist, he rarely denigrates us, does not proselytize like Hannity and Beck, and often goes out of his way to make it clear that he has more important things to worry about than someones religion; he is a strict Constitutionalist. I called his show last year to point out how we seem to be getting close to Directive 10-289, and he instantly knew what I was talking about.
10-289 is summarized here:
Or, get a tee-shirt!



Obamaween 2009 - BOOOO!

I heard a great idea on the radio while at lunch. AFAIK, Michelle Malkin first popularized it: http://michellemalkin.com/2008/10/31/happy-obamaween/

So, here's what I'm doing this Halloween. I'll need this equipment and materials:
* Several large poster boards for the sign
* a black light for ironic creepiness
* A sturdy plywood box, about 2'x2'x2' , with a 2"x6" slot in the top
* A strong chain and padlock
* A wireless webcam, or other means of capturing video
* Some choice pictures of Obama's face

The sign, with 6" tall lettering, will go on the wall outside my front door. It will read:


The camera is both to capture the reactions of the little taxpayers and to bust Democrat-sympathizing vandals. The box will be adorned on all sides with the Obama mug-shots; the one on the top will have his mouth open, cut-out so that the candy goes in the open mouth.



Obama insanity reaches a fever-pitch

I've not updated my blog for many, many days. Why? I've been overwhelmed. Every day, there are three or four new horrible revelations of tyranny from the Barak Insane Obama government, or scandal in the liberal Democrat cesspool. Today's post is just a sample of the avalanche of feces raining down on us.

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Ted Kennedy screwed over 1000 women (the majority while married) and payed out over $10 million in hush-money? Do the research, it appears that the National Enquirer got it right. I've spent the last few days reading about Teddy's life, and the "1000 banged" assertion is entirely consistent with his other well-documented sexual behavior.

This short article summarizing Ted Kennedy's life from the UK's Daily Mail was interesting, and made me a bit sad. He, as did his brothers, had it all: wealth, girl-swooning good-looks, access to the best schools on the planet and more. Yet, he squandered his precious gift of life. I'm reminded of Ayn Rand's maxim that (paraphrasing) "Anyone who would not have earned a fortune on their own will be destroyed by inheriting wealth."

Anita Dunn, White House Communications Director aka "czar" lionizes Mao? Do the research, listen to the full audio, and it appears that she really is an admirer of Mao or, at the very least, too stupid to have prefaced her remarks with something like "We all know that Mao was a tyrannical, murderous despot who was directly responsible for a Chinese Holocaust that made Hitler look like a piker, but we can learn something about overcoming impossible odds by studying his tactics." Instead, she touts him as one of the two "political philosophers" she admires most! Here's relevant portions of the speech:
" .... the third lesson and tip actually comes from two of my favorite political philosophers - Mao Tse Tung and Mother Teresa, not often coupled with each other but the two people that I turn to most to basically deliver a simple point, which is you're going to make choices.

.... In 1947, when Mao Tse Tung was being challenged within his own party on his plan to basically take China over, Chiang Kai-Shek and the nationalist Chinese held the cities, they had the army. They had the air force. They had everything on their side, and people said how can you win? How can you do this? How can you do this? Against all the odds against you, and Mao Tse Tung said, you know, you fight your war, and I'll fight mine, and think about that for a second."

Here's a link to the video, decide for yourself:

Kevin Jennings, White House "Safe Schools Czar", is revealed to be a NAMBLA supporter? Not surprising, given that in his book Always My Child, Jennings calls for a “diversity policy that mandates including LGBT [lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender] themes in the curriculum.”

Obama is prepared to sign "health-care reform" bill that sticks a huge tax increase to people making less than the touted $250K/year? Why is this a surprise, given that it is obvious to anyone with a brain bigger than a swine-flu virus that he is a lying sack of shit?

How about this section in the > 1500 page Finance Committee version of the Bill, from page 1190:
"(c) TREATMENT AS TAX.—For purposes of subtitle
F, the fees imposed by this subchapter shall be treated
as if they were taxes. "

That wording is there to get around the 5th Amendment. The bill is riddled with similar crap. I'll post it soon for you to read for yourself. But, it is going to pass, and Barak Insane Obama will sign it. The legions of looters will hail it as wonderful.

It's time to shrug. Sure, your income will plummet. But you will have the satisfaction of no longer being the "guiltiest man in the room", to quote Francisco D'Anconio - to no longer be the man who is enabling the looters, the man who, as atonement for the "sin" of productive hard work, is expected to offer himself to immolation.



Obama Propagandizes the Nation's Students 9/08/09

As you know, UhBama will torment the Nation's Children on 9.08.09, with a speech that the kiddies will be forced to watch. Even worse, many of them will be forced to participate in an Edu-speak exercise outlined by the DoE. The 7th-12th grade version can be found here:

When my child – an athletic, productive, NJHS member who has been a top-5 honor student for the last two years responds truthfully during the pathetic classroom activities suggested by the DoE, she had better not receive a poor grade for her politically incorrect answers!!

We sat down together and had fun preparing for the video and the associated Q&A. The ideas are all hers (based of course on the way we have raised her). I just helped word them succinctly. Her responses are in BOLD.

Menu of Classroom Activities
President Obama’s Address to Students Across America
(Grades 7-12)

Produced by Teaching Ambassador Fellows, U.S. Department of Education
September 8, 2009

Before the Speech
• Conduct a “quick write” or “think/pair/share” activity with students. (In the latter activity, students spend a few minutes thinking and writing about the question. Next, each student is paired with another student to discuss. Finally, the students share their ideas with the class as a whole). Teachers may choose to ask the following questions:
What ideas do we associate with the words “responsibility,” “persistence,” and “goals?” “Responsibility is meaningless without the concept of justice. If I work and make a profit – in other words, I take responsibility for my own economic well-being - but then a government, elected by a slim majority, uses its power of coercion, backed by the threat of force, to take my property (in the form of excessive and oppressive taxation) and give it to someone else based on that persons “need” as determined by faceless bureaucrats – then I can have NO responsibility. Persistence is exemplified by the forces of evil who want to redistribute my wealth – no matter how often we defeat them, they keep coming back.
How would we define each term? “That’s what dictionaries are for. Look it up.”
Teachers then may choose to create a web diagram of student ideas for each of the words.
• Have students participate in a “quick write” or brainstorming activity. Teachers may ask students: What are your strengths?
“One of my important strengths is that unlike our President, I never lie.”
What do you think makes you successful as a student and as a person?
“Unlike our President, I believe that people have a right to keep what they earn. I reject unearned guilt. Unlike our President, I realize that each person’s enlightened self-interest, NOT altruism, is the engine that drives prosperity and freedom. I succeed by my own efforts and expect nothing from the Government other than what is allowed and required by the Constitution. Mostly, to be successful, I need the Government to GET OUT OF MY WAY!”
• Teachers may engage students in short readings. Teachers may post in large print around the classroom notable quotes excerpted from President Obama’s speeches on education. “Hey I know! Let’s post quotes where Obama lies or says stupid, wrong things! How about ‘When I’m President I’ll put a stop to earmarks’ followed by a list of the >8000 earmarks in the ‘stimulus’ bill! Or, “I won’t have lobbyists in my government’ followed by the list of the > 47 lobbyists he appointed. Or how about this one – ‘But, if that same diabetic ends up getting their foot amputated, that's $30,000, $40-50,000 immediately the surgeon is reimbursed’, followed by the Medicare price list for amputations that show a doctor is paid less than $1000 for an amputation.”
Teachers might ask students to think alone, compare ideas with a partner, or share their thoughts with the class. Teachers could ask students to think about the following:
What are our interpretations of these excerpts?
“They remind me of Soviet-era propaganda”
Based on these excerpts, what can we infer that the president believes is important in order to be educationally successful?
“The President is proven liar. It is impossible to determine what he believes based on his speeches.”
• Create a “concept web.” Teachers may ask students to think of the following:
Why does President Obama want to speak with us today?
“He knows that many of us will be of voting age in 2012, and even more in 2016; he hopes to recruit as many of us to the Democrat party as possible.”
How will he inspire us?
“This is a leading question that presumes students are Obama supporters. He inspires me to resist his fascist, socialist agenda with every fiber of my being.”
How will he challenge us?
“I will be challenged to defeat him, and his party, in the next election.”
What might he say?
“He might offer the same disingenuous, vague platitudes that characterized his campaign and his Presidency.”
Do you remember any other historic moments when the president spoke to the nation?
“All of his speeches are historic in the sense that they are the speeches of the first openly racist, openly socialist ‘Manchurian Candidate’ elected to the office of the President of the United States.”
What was the impact?
“ His sycophantic robotic followers swooned on cue, their legs tingling and twitching. The rest of us – the ones with a clue – after we fought back our nausea - resolved to work even harder to defeat him.”
After brainstorming answers to these questions, students could create a “cause-and-effect” graphic organizer.

Menu of Classroom Activities (Grades 7-12)
President Obama’s Address to Students Across America

During the Speech
• Teachers might conduct a “listening with purpose” exercise based on the following ideas: personal responsibility, goals, and persistence. Teachers might ask pairs of students to create a word bank at the top of a notes page that has been divided into two columns. On the right-hand side, students could take notes (trying to capture direct quotations or main ideas) while President Obama talks about personal responsibility, goals, or persistence. At the end of the speech, students could write the corresponding terms from the word bank in the left-hand column, to increase retention and deepen their understanding of an important aspect of the speech.
• Teachers might conduct a “listening with purpose” exercise based on the themes of inspiration and challenges. Using a similar double-column notes page as the one described above, teachers could focus students on quotations that either propose a specific challenge to them or that inspire them in some meaningful way. Students could do this activity individually, in pairs, or in groups.

Transition/Quick Review
• Teachers could ask students to look over their notes and collaborate in pairs or small groups. Teachers might circulate and ask students questions, such as: What more could we add to our notes? What are the most important words in the speech?
“The most important was the last word in the speech– it meant that the torture of listening to it was almost over.”
What title would you give the speech?
“The Founders of America Roll in Their Graves in Horror and Disgust,” or perhaps “Obama – Evil, Stupid or Both?”
What is the thesis of the speech?
“The use of deceptive, flowery, teleprompter-driven language to turn the Nation’s children into mind-numbed Obama-Bots”

After the Speech

Guided Discussion:
• What resonated with you from President Obama’s speech? “Nothing. It made me feel despair and disgust.” What lines or phrases do you remember? “I’m doing my best to forget – it was nightmarish.”
• Whom is President Obama addressing? “Anyone who will watch and listen, which would include people forced to watch, such as students and teachers, plus his legions of sycophantic followers.” How do you know? “My epistemology is based on reason, which is the faculty that identifies and integrates the material provided by my senses.” Describe his audience. “I already did – see my response above.”
• We heard President Obama mention the importance of personal responsibility. In your life, who exemplifies this kind of responsibility? “Many people - but no liberal politician does.” How? Give examples. “Aside from the obvious examples of my parents and some of my friends who share my Objectivist values and who virtuously pursue those values, the best examples I can think of are the heroic characters in Ayn Rand’s “Atlas Shrugged”, including John Galt, Dagny Taggart, Francisco D’Anconia, and Henry Rearden.”
• How are the individuals in this classroom similar? “We were all forced to watch Obama’s speech.” How is each student different? “The differences are too numerous to list. This question typifies the problems with American education. We waste our time with fluffy drivel instead of focusing on important things such as reading, writing, math, science, art and music. And we wonder why the rest of the world’s test scores are higher than ours!”
• Suppose President Obama were to give another speech about being educationally successful. To whom would he speak? “He would speak to whomever he can force or cajole to listen." Why? "He would do it for power and money, but would deny that as his motive. What would the president say? He would say anything, regardless of the truth, in order to foster his socialist, redistributionist goals."
• What are the three most important words in the speech? “The last three words in the speech.” Rank them. “The last one is the most important, then the next to the last, then the third to the last.”
• Is President Obama inspiring you to do anything? “He inspires me to resist him, to work toward his failure, to defeat his disastrous initiatives.” Is he challenging you to do anything? “He's trying to challenge me to become one of his junior brown-shirted minions, but instead I'm challenged to become politically active, and to vote - as soon as I am old enough - against him and any politician who supports his dangerous, anti-Freedom ideas.”
• What do you believe are the challenges of your generation? “The propensity of Democracy to degenerate, as it has in America, into a 'bread and circuses' rabble that uses the power of government to steal from the productive and reward the lazy.”
• How can you be a part of addressing these challenges? “To do everything I can to roll back to our founder’s ideals the bloated, fascist, socialist travesty that is modern America.”


The Obama "pledge" video - bizarre, scary

Hey Kids! Every day there is something new and frightening to learn! I can hardly keep up. Have a look at the highlights from this slick, Hollywood production. The soaring music and stirring words are just about enough to suck in even the most jaded Uhbama critic. You can find the entire video on YouTube. I watched it once, that was enough. I nearly gagged while doing the edit. Ironically, one of the pledges that I did not include in my highlights video was to "abolish slavery" - that pledge is then followed by creepy actors pledging to serve. Idiots.



Tea Party Patriots

Just a quick pitch for teapartypatriots.org. One of the nicer, more organized sites. I've used it to locate the 9.12.09 teaparty in my town.



Dead Kennedy - Good Riddance!

I'm not constrained by political correctness, so I'll say what a lot of people are thinking: "We are glad Ted is Finally Dead!"

The damage he did to the USA in his long, horrific carreer in probably incalcuable. Not to mention the pain and suffering that resulted from his cowardly, drunken abandonment of Mary Jo Kopechne to die in the swirling, dark waters off the Chappaquiddick bridge on July 18, 1969.

Even in death he will continue to wreak havoc on America. His sycophantic followers will probably name the soon-to-be-enacted "health reform" legislation after him. I'm hearing rumors it will be called the "Ted Kennedy Memorial Health Care Act of 2009", and his fetid memory will serve as a rallying cry for The Clueless.

I've got a better name for the bill:
"The Dead Kennedy Memorial Death Care Act of 2009".

Bye, Ted. Don't let the coffin lid hit you on your ass on your way to Hades.



Governmental meddling results in vaccine shortage

When government intrudes, things get worse

In Texas and in many states, you will see stories such as the following. There would be no shortage if the idiots in government, with hand-wringing concern for the poor and the children, had not tried to dictate prices for vaccines. Drug makers, seeing profit opportunities evaporate, shut down production lines. This leaves on a few companies making key drugs, thus the shortage.

The world of Atlas Shrugged is happening NOW. Get used to it. It is too late to fix things, we are heading down in a tight spiral. After the crash, perhaps a thousand years from now civilization will rise from the flaming wreckage.
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An emergency rule initiated by the Texas Department of State Health Services extends until Oct. 1 the time parents have to get their children in compliance with some of the vaccination requirements for school attendance.

The extension applies only to three vaccines: Meningococcal, tetanus/diphtheria/acellular pertussis (Tdap) and varicella. Shortages of these vaccines have been reported around the state.

DSHS officials said available supply of these three vaccines in some local clinics and medical offices has been exhausted due to an increased demand.

Revised vaccination requirements announced last spring for the 2009-2010 school year added doses of the three vaccines at certain grade levels.

Without the extension, full immunizations would have been required beginning the first day of school.

The emergency rule was signed by Texas Health and Human Services Executive Commissioner Albert Hawkins and was submitted to the Texas Register this morning and is effective immediately.

Pertussis is another name for whooping cough. Varicella refers to chicken pox.



Obama supporter at town-hall meeting caught in lie

Does it surprise anyone that Obama supporters take after their glorious leader?

If it were not for persistent skeptics in the blogosphere, in this case LA area blogger Patterico, we would not know that at U.S. Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee's recent town hall meeting, an astro-turf planted supporter had no problem misrepresenting herself as a doctor.

I'm working on a new bumper-sticker - hope to have it on the www.bluegreencosmos.com site by the end of the weekend. It will read: "Obama's Lies - America's Demise"

Here's the details on the lying sack-of-supporter. Thanks, Patterico!



Hillary-ous! Methinks she doth protest too much!

Just the latest example of how the UhBama kids are in waaay over their heads. Hillary is incapable of thinking fast on her feet. It is obvious that she is still miffed at having to operate in the Shadow Of Bill, still pissed at all the years she had to be subservient to him, eat the excrement sandwiches, and put up with his dalliances.

A true master politician always remembers to never let the peasants see the Queen get angry. One of the 48 Laws of Power is "Act like a King to be treated as one".

Of course, if Hillary were not dumber than a box of rocks, she would have realized that things get lost in translation, that no one cares any longer about what the former President Clinton thinks - except maybe Millhouse, seeing as he sent Bill to spring the reporterettes from the NorKors. Even if the question was not mistranslated, the best way to handle it would have been to laugh it off, perhaps remark that she would ask Bill the next time she saw him, and then proceed to offer the official US position on the very real and serious issue of the Chinese snapping up mineral rights faster than you can say "21st century colonialism is alive and well."

This video is worth 10,000 words. The body language, the facial expressions, the eyes - man, I now have more respect for Bill - imagine having to endure that for all these years! How can he go to sleep at night without wondering if Hillary will do the Lorena Bobbit thing in the middle of the night? Better sleep in the doghouse, Bill - its safer!



America's Affordable Death Care Choices Act of 2009 - so much to hate, so little time! (click this title to read the bill)

Every time I review it (yes, Uhbama - unlike you, I've actually read it) barely suppressing the urge to vomit, I find more to hate. Here's a few turds for today:

Page 58-59 - "they" will be able to determine, in "real time", when you need "health service", how much it will cost, and get the money from your bank account via electronic funds transfer.

Page 124 - the Secretary of Health and Human Services will possess unlimited power to set health insurance rates. The Secretary will not be subject to any kind of administrative or judicial review - in other words, will have absolute power to set rates.



Health Rationing "Public Option" is oxymoronic

I laugh a bitter laugh of despair every time I hear a liberal drone whine: "No one will force you to take the public option, if you are happy with your insurance just keep it".

If they had read the horrible proposed Death Care act, they would realize that the government will force you to carry insurance. There is no "option". If you are not insured - and don't have the type of insurance they deem acceptable (most current plans will not qualify), they will levy a tax (e.g. a fine) of 2.5% of your income and FORCE you to pick one of the governments public "Qualified Health Benefit Plans". Even if you manage to retain your current private plan with your employer, if the Death Czar deems it too luxurious, it will be taxed as imputed income. And of course, any one paying income tax will have a portion of that tax given to "poor people" who "can't afford insurance". THIS IS NOT AN "OPTIONAL" SYSTEM.

The drones will offer this talking-point: "If you don't have insurance and you get sick, then the rest of us pay for your care". Well, THAT IS THE PROBLEM. Quit giving uninsured people "free" care!! If they are not at a charity hospital, don't have insurance, and don't have cash or a credit card, then LET THEM DIE. This would apply to me too!

"There Aint No Such Thing As A Free Lunch". Or free health care.



Racism - alive and well under Obama

Glorious Leader Uh-Bama really stepped in it when he poured gasoline on the race-war fire with his idiotic comments supporting racist/elitist Henry Louis Gates, Jr. (hgates@fas.harvard.edu) . If you doubt that Gates is a racist, check out this quote:

On 7.24.09 Uh-Bama back-pedaled, after watching his poll-numbers tanking. But, he still has not apologized for his racist, inflammatory remarks, and the stupid beer-summit did not fix anything. I'm still puzzled as to how gates, who has previously declared that he was "56% white", can legitimately play the race card. How "black" does one have to be to be profiled? 25%? 10%? I guess those "black" genes just overpower the weak wimpy white genes!

Watch this video of Sgt. Crowley's fellow officers refuting Gate's charges of racism and declaring they will not vote for Obama again.

More info can be found in the Boston Herald.

The USA is obsessed with race-classification. Coming to your child's school this fall - MANDATORY race classification! You will be asked to pick a race - any race - if you refuse, an "observer" will pick for you. Here's the new USDE requirement.



Private Jets Are Evil!

Apparently it is evil for CEOs of pre-Nazionalized companies to fly around in private jets, but not for politicians or pro-Uhbama Hollywood types. Earlier this year, the chiken-shits in Congress had no problem berating auto and oil-industry CEOs who dared to use that horrible, polluting, elitist mode of transportation.

Now, Congress has just approved the purchase of over 200 million dollars worth of aircraft, including three 60+ million-dollar GulfStream 550's. The original request was for more, but the outcry from The Angry Mob caused them to cut back. I guess they fear rubbing shoulders with the Angry Mob if they were to fly in lowly business-class. Read more here.

I'm kind of sad for Gulfstream. Bolstering our aircraft industry would be a far better use of Porkulus/Spendulus funds than 95% of those earmarks. Private jet manufacturers are already reeling from Congressional demagoguery that was part of the fallout of the Nazionalization of 2/3 of the US auto industry.


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